Matthew Wecker

Head coach of Wex Athletics, Matt loves to develop the capabilities of the human body. With experience in individual and team sports, he has the knowledge and critical thinking to improve performances and meet goals. Matt also competes in the decathlon, ten events over two gruelling days, giving him additional understanding from an athlete’s perspective!


  • Sport Scientist

  • Nutritionist

  • Lvl 3 Athletics Coach

  • Lvl 1 ASCA Coach


Dillon Manning

Dillon is our exercise and rehab specialist for Wex Athletics, motivated to improve athlete performance and maintain longevity in sport. With experience across a variety of sports, Dillon currently works with a number of our junior athletes, training them in foundational skills and injury resilience.


  • Lvl 1 Athletics Coach

  • Exercise Physiology & Rehab (Student)

Jordan King

If you play a team sport and looking to gain an edge, Jordan is your guy! Currently finishing his sport & exercise science degree, Jordan is also a high level referee and a runner in earlier life. His focus is on developing young athletes, providing a foundation of speed, agility, strength and injury prevention.


  • Sport Science (Student)

  • Lvl 2 Referee


Olivia Carah

Olivia is the pole vault specialist for Wex Athletics, bringing deep insight to drills and training that transfers directly to performance. A former national junior champion, Liv knows what it takes to excel in what is arguably the most difficult event around! The squad loves her and continues to become stronger, fitter and more skilled under her watch.


  • Lvl 3 Athletics Coach